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Friday, March 28, 2008


Myla's ANC is still zero. We are waiting to take Myla down to the radiology department on the first floor for Myla to get her PIC line inserted into one of her arms.

5:04 PM: We're back from radiology, and Myla has her new PIC line. She almost seemed to protest on the trip down there as evidenced by this picture. The procedure went fairly well, but they had to try several locations before they found a place that worked. I guess her veins were too small for some of the other spots. Unfortunately, the insertion of the line ended up close to the elbow, so Myla will need a splint of some sort to prevent her from bending her arm for the next couple of months. Here's a shot of Nana helping Melissa put on a hospital garment on Myla for the procedure, and another of Audrey putting numbing cream on Myla's arms. Here's another image of Myla looking happier earlier today.

Myla is also teething, so that can't be much fun either. Meanwhile, we are waiting for word on when Myla's other line will be removed.


jfaye said...

I'm still praying! The pictures are hard to see, but I know it is so little to bear by comparison to what you all are!

Thank God, for God!!

Janice K.

Audrey said...

oh man...those pictures made me want to cry :( shes so helpless...but so beautiful... its so nice that you are capturing this journey on film... seriously, she is BEAUTIFUL. im praying for you!

Carey said...

Poor thing, her hickman site looked awful. I guess I missed what happened to that, maybe infection. Poor baby, it's not fair!!!