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Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today has been a miserable day for Myla. She has been having some intense intestinal pains on and off since about 4 AM, and she also appears to have caught a cold. Her ANC it still at zero, and her platelets have dropped once again into the 20s, so she got a fresh batch of platelets today. She doesn't have a fever, so that's the positive news. The area around her central line is bleeding, so there is talk of taking this out and putting in a PIC line instead. This line would function the same as the central line, but it would be placed in her arm instead of in her chest. This procedure could take place tomorrow, maybe.

My Grandma Canez is here from Tucson for a visit, and we're hoping Myla can perk up in time to give us a few smiles before she leaves on Sunday. (Not more than a few minutes after I typed this, Myla took a short break to offer some smiles.) We also got a visit from Courtney Roby of the Indianapolis Colts.

Thanks to Keri Lyn for the shoes for Myla that will remind her of those white and black cats back at home!


Cherdecor said...

Hope Myla is feeling better tonight so she can smile at her great grandmother. Praying for all of you.

Karyn said...

What a cutie! I hope she feels better soon, we are praying for her everyday.

Unknown said...

She looks great in her kitty shoes! :-) I just knew she HAD to have those in honor of Whitley & Britley!! It's SO nice to see smiles on her sweet little face once again! We pray for you all daily and hope that things will be stable for awhile so you ALL can get some much needed rest!

Carey said...

I'm so sorry she had a yucky day, it seems Thursday was a bad day for AML babies. On the bright side, her shoes are adorable! I'm glad you got a good smile out of her too this afternoon. Hang in there!
Carey and Chelsea