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Thursday, April 3, 2008


Myla's ANC is 50, and we are planning on leaving the hospital tomorrow. We have decided to stay with the PIC line, which is working well now, in place of having another central line put into her chest. We have to be back to the hospital on Monday, so we'll likely camp out at Melissa's parents' house in nearby Greenwood, and then head back to Kokomo on Monday evening.


Carey said...

I'm interested to see how the PICC line holds up. Is Myla pretty active when she's home? We were told that if Chelsea gets one more hole or anything in her hickman they'll just put in a pic since she's almost done with treatment. It just makes me laugh though, how many two year olds can do 7 days straight of chemo running from their arm? we'll see... oh and her record is 3 for 3 ... three holes for each of the last 3 rounds, so we're just kind of planning on it happening ;)

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time at home!

We will be thinking of you this weekend.


Cherdecor said...

That is great! Have a wonderful weekend! God bless!